Week 10 – The Shift

This has definitely been a week of conflicts with this exhaustive battle between my old and new blueprints raging in my mind. As much as I feel this war is nonsensical, now knowing what I know, I also know this is part of the process so the more I let go and allow it to happen the faster the growth will come.

I must admit, I’ve recently been feeling somewhat disheartened and depressed, thinking this whole process wasn’t working for me as I started slipping with my daily readings, recordings, blogging and sits. All I can say is “Thank Goodness!” Mark shared his blog from Week 10!! It gave me the shift in thinking, and quiet frankly the kick-in-the-butt, I needed!image

I am so grateful and feel so blessed to be on this MKMMA journey – especially, and mainly, because of the person I am  becoming through this whole experience. And, more importantly as I see it, this evolution does not end after 26-weeks. This is a new way of life, a new and improved Me that reads, sits and listens daily so I can continue to grow and unfold and become the best Me I can possible be so I can help others embark on their own personal paths to freedom and find their own ‘personal Kauai’.

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