Week 22a – The Sound of Silence…

Another week has passed on my amazing MKMMA journey and I continue to grow and change…I am thrilled beyond measure and belief. I know this experience was going to change me and inturn change my life but I had NO idea how much and in what way! For this and all those involved with this Master program I am eternally grateful!! I know I have said it before but words truly cannot express the gratitude and blessings I am filled with because of this rich and rewarding adventure! It has deeply changed how I see, feel and relate to myself…it has changed me to the core of my being.

This week was just as, if not more so, impactful as the week before. I struggled for long periods of silence (i.e. a day or two) but the stretches of thoughtful quiet I did get in on a daily basis bared much fruit!

Steps to the sunI now not only know that I am the co-creator of my life, but I realize how easy and effortlessly I can create it when I stay in my “zone” or “happy place” as I like to refer to it. When I “Let Go and Let God” amazing things happen. I would hear people say this before and thought I knew what they were talking about but, now I know, I had NO IDEA!

The most important thing I have learned (and am still learning) is the more I live in gratitude and blessings and appreciate all that is around me, keep a servant heart and be a self-directed thinker, I can be in my “happy place” whenever and for however long that I want…it is my choice. How awesomely empowering is that?!…

Week 22 – Clarity Rocks!

This journey keeps getting better and better! The joy I feel is almost constant. And when I do feel sadness creeping in,image it is only a matter of minutes before I get my thinking back on the right track and my mood has quickly shifted…such an amazing feeling to be able to co-create my day to what I want it to be. I am especially loving how I am positively affecting the people around me…those I share space with on a daily basis and those I briefly encounter.

The other delicious gift in all of this…clarity. Clarity that continues to grow as I move through my daily rituals and connect with the Universe in my morning sits. We’re all spiritual beings having a human experience and over these past 21 weeks, I’ve come to realize how much I didn’t realize how much I was neglecting my spiritual self. Boy, have I been missing out…but not anymore! I feel more connected to my soul and the Universe than I can remember. And, at the moment, I’m at a loss for the right words to properly express the bliss and clarity I am experiencing…but what I can tell you is I want more!


Week 21 – Gifts All Around

As each week goes by, I grow more and more into who I’m meant to be and I’m so excited! What I find the most amazing and rewarding and fulfilling is the positive focus and appreciation I have for myself and everyone and everything around me…such a gift that often leaves me at a loss of words for my gratitude regarding this entire experience.

What’s even more delightful is I’m truly starting to fully feel and experience this growth of mine when I do my daily sits. As I relax into my regular spot, my breathing slows and my mind almost instantly releases all thought as I start to come into alignment at a higher level of vibration and I begin to feel immense joy and gratitude fill my heart and soul. I feel so amazing in this space I don’t want to leave it…before I know it, an hour has gone by.

Most of the time, I just basque in the pure joy that washes over me as I sit. And…although I am still awaiting ideas and answers to come to me in my moments of silence…I am more and more aware of what I am attracting and paying much closer attention to my “hunches”.

The greatest gift of all…I am more present imageand intentional in my life than I have ever been before…for that I am especially grateful!

My life by design is beginning to unfold and I am giddy with excitement…and I am just getting started…


Week 20 – Transformation…

At a loss for many words this week…life is unfolding as I continue to absorb it all…

each week’s message is more powerful and profound than the last…I am moved beyond words…

the cement keeps falling away…in large chunks now…I am crying…

so excited for my growth…my transformation…tears of joy stream down my cheeks…

feeling like a butterfly emerging from my cocoon…more tears of joy…and lots of dancing!…

filled with so much love and gratitude…feeling truly blessed…actually getting the hang of this…

There is no place where God is not…in Him we live and move and have our being.


Week 19 – F.E.A.R.

As I read Haanel this week I realize how much I let F.E.A.R. paralyze me…

Yet, I’ve come to realize it really is False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. which makes me want to Forget. Everything. And. Run.

Now don’t get me wrong…I have known for quite awhile that I often let F.E.A.R. stop me in my tracks. But…this week’s lesson has helped me really understand how much I do let it get in my way…and, what it has caused me to manifest in my life. What’s even even more amazing is that instead of feeling down and bad about myself because of it, I am looking at this whole situation from an observers point of view. I am excited that all I have to do is change the way I think about it, let it go (drop the banana) and take different actions tomorrow so I can manifest my hearts desire!

Now again…don’t get me wrong…F.E.A.R. is still in my life…however, I have decided to tackle my F.E.A.R. head on and my world is rapidly changing! I am letting go of things that I have held on to so tightly for years…but even better…I am feeling grateful for how well they have served me. I now see and know it is time to make choices that better serve me so I can better serve those around me. And, as I continue to grow and remember I am Nature’s Greatest Miracle, I strike my power pose daily…sometimes multiple times per day…and…Face. Everything. And. Rise.

What a powerful “Ah Ha moment” week!

Week 18 – Making Happiness Happen…

I’m moving in slow motion this week, it seems, yet I’m very aware as I let the messages of our lessons and progressions wash over me, sink-in and the cement just falls away. Happiness is all around me and I feel great! I’m becoming well acquainted with asking myself “What would the person I intend to become do next?”. When I ask myself that question, I must admit, I love the answers that pop into my head, regardless of the scene I have painted in my mind…”BE HAPPY NOW!”,”Give myself grace, love myself no matter what!”, “Do whatever it takes to make it happen!” “Remember I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy and healthy!” All of that gets reinforced as I flip through my flash cards, focus on gratitude, do my sits and exercises on a daily basis. Fifty-two years of cement is starting to fall away, sometimes at record pace, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what has been hiding underneath!!

Don’t get me wrong…some days I still do the two-step with my emotions and outlook (two-steps forward three-steps back) but the sense of peace, calm and happiness I am feeling in my inner world is immense, especially as I observe that things remain the same in my outer world. Actually, things are changing in my outer world because imageof the Law of Growth and the connection going on in my inner world…but that is a by-product (effect) of how happy I am (cause).

The beautiful thing is…I am creating this…I am responsible for making my happiness happen! And, as I great each day with love in my heart and persist until I succeed, I focus on living each day as though it were my last and realize I AM nature’s greatest miracle.

Week 17HJ – Clarity

I knew this MKMMA experience was going to grow me but I had no idea how much and in the many ways it was going to do so. Each week, I am so grateful for our Sunday sessions because it makes me realize I am not crazy – even though I feel like it – and that I am not alone. I have been regularly masterminding with my guides and some fellow students but I must admit I have not been great, in the past, about  masterminding via the Alliances. As I’ve started to engage more in those communities these past couple of weeks, I am even more grateful. What an amazing group of people we all are, sharing our journeys with each other. I know I keep saying this but I am so grateful for this entire experience!

One thing that is becoming exceedingly clear, not that I didn’t know this already, is how hard I am on myself. And, how many of us are so hard on ourselves. But…really, the clarity is about how being hard on myself is not only slowing my progress down but it is also impacting my whole MKMMA experience. Thanks to the Law of Dual Thought, Substitution and Growth, I’m able to see more clearly when I get down on myself and instantly replace my thoughts to “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy and healthy!”…what a game changer that one is!


Another game changer that is providing me more clarity and truly resonating with me is the great visual of the monkey and his banana. I recall that image every time my old habits (which don’t serve me) start to take charge. However, as I realize more and more, by hanging on to my old blueprints (my banana) I’m only holding on to the cement which is keeping me from my future fantastic self. Now why would I want to go and do that?…

Week 17 – Change and “Ah-Ha” Moments

It has been a week of more change and “Ah-Ha” moments this week as I move through my daily exercises to help me grow into my future self. I’ve been struggling for words to write that clearly express what I am experiencing so I looked to my fellow MKMMA students for some guidance. When I read Mark Holder’s Master Key blog this week it said exactly what I wanted to say so well. So, rather than sit here in frustration, please click on the link above to read his blog…he took the words right out of my mouth! It’s so wonderful and comforting to know I am not alone in my thoughts and feelings!

believe in your epiphanies

Week 16 – Love, Kindness and Gratitude

It is hard to believe we are 16 weeks into this amazing journey. It has been a wild ride thus far and I am so looking forward to the exciting weeks ahead. But, I must confess, I’m still battling major blueprint demons. I know, mentally, undoing all that has been done over the past 52 years to pack on the cement to my golden Buddha is going to take time…but, emotionally, I want to already be there because this roller-coaster ride of emotions is, quite frankly, fricking exhausting and not pretty…but lasting change is not supposed to be pretty.

Thank goodness this week we were to focus on kindness…seeing it in ourselves and in others, everyday, and performing random acts of kindness when no one was looking. It helped me to take my focus off of me and my many layers of protection and pay better attention to showering others with love, kindness and gratitude. The more I focused on being kind the more I saw kindness all around me – I saw it in everyone I encountered. Even better…it created this kind of ripple effect…the feelings were so contagious, the loving kindness I exuded generated more loving kindness from others. Even better than that…there were 6500+ other random acts of kindness going on all week…think of how many lives we touched! So cool!

Think of what the world would be like if we all focused daily on kindness and gratitude?



MKMMA Week 17 Is Haanel Trying To be Insulting or is he just Clueless?

Love this blog! Food for thought for sure! Hope you had an awesome Birthday…happy belated one. Cheers!


MKMMA Week 17  “Is Haanel trying to be Insulting or is he just Clueless?”

I thought that I had gotten my venting about Haanel’s drift away from reality out of my system last week, but he just gave me too much to work with this week, so welcome baaaaack.

Really though, first of all I have to compliment him on some great helpful stuff.  17:13, 17:15, 17:28 lots and lots of good stuff this week as is the case most weeks. The man had an enormous amount of good stuff to say.  Unfortunately, to really be able to accept all that he says and get the most value from it, an inquisitive person will likely ask very frequently, things like, “well how do you know Frank?”, where did you learn this stuff?  Who are the other scholars in world history that agree with you? Are there any great teachers that…

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